VIRTUAL: 2020 Global Asia/Pacific Art Exchange

Aotearoa: Ngā Tai o te Ao: Global Tides

Presented by the Asian/Pacific/American Institute at NYU in collaboration with the School of Art and Design at the Wānanga Aronui o Tāmaki Makau Rau (AUT University) and Vā Moana Research Cluster.

The 2020 Global Asia/Pacific Art Exchange (GAX) will focus on Aotearoa / New Zealand with two days of virtual gatherings on Tuesday, June 23 and Wednesday, June 24 from 4:45-7:15 p.m. EST / Wednesday, June 24 and Thursday, June 25 from 8:45-11:15 a.m. NZT. The 2020 session will continue ongoing inquiries but transformed into a virtual engagement.

Source: APA